Friday, June 27, 2008

How to Be Funny

Many people believe comedians are born funny. Nothing is further from the truth. Some develop the skill as children as a method of dealing with school bullies, and the everyday anguish growing-up causes so many of us. Others began studying the subject after realizing how powerful a tool it is in entertaining and delighting an audience.

1. Help solve other people’s problems, and you build an instant rapport with them. Here lies the basis on which being funny germinates, and then later grows.

There is little difference in people. Make fun of your own problems, and an audience will empathise, mainly because they have very similar problems to you. By helping them to come to terms with their own problems you help them in dealing with, what can be for them, a difficult dilemma they would, under normal circumstances, prefer not to think about.

2. For those doing the laughing, and for that matter comedians too, humour is a great escape from reality. The comedian befriends an audience, much as a circus clown does with children. Here lies another clue as to what humour is – not is not so much to do with the words used but with vocal expression, character exaggeration, comic timing, and pregnant pauses so full of meaning.

3. The next time you watch a favourite comedian note how they are not afraid to laugh at themselves. This is because humour is a universal human activity that allows the comedian to become a philosophical spectator of his or her own life in relation to those they have around them. Listen carefully to the content of comedy, and you may notice that the most popular topics often revolve around friends (including newly formed quasi friends found in the audience), and family.

4. The props used by the circus clown to humour children are not so effective with adults. Scene setting, such as a public bar, is tolerated but it is the comedian’s ‘unique’ personality that must shine through. Have you ever thought about how many top comedians have similar acts? Non. Success in humour is about being unique.

5. Being funny is seriously hard work. Many that fail at being funny do so because they don’t work hard enough at it. Comedy is no different to any other skill. The ‘fortunate few funny folk’ having all the lucky breaks is nonsense. Luck plays little part in whether or not you are likely to succeed as a comedian. It was Gary Player who said, "The more I practise the luckier I get". This is as true in comedy as it is in golf.

6. Good humour never stops growing. It is a baby conceived in the mind of the comedian, that is nurtured to adulthood, and often only dies with the demise of the creator.

The best comedians are constantly reworking their best material. They may be at the top of their profession but they never stop asking the question "How can I make this mediocre story better?" Theirs is a quest for perfection that never comes.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Love Icons In A Romantic Relationship

The satisfaction of the heart is found in its enjoyment. It is the secret behind romantic relationships. It is a phenomena only understood by the two love birds involved. They feel like they are the only beings in this world. Were they in a capacity to stop the wheels of time, they would just pause the moment so that it can last forever. However, everything that has a beginning must definitely come to an end. A romantic relationship ends in a marriage relationship. It does not die literally speaking, but the obligations that come with a marriage setup cool down the tone. Otherwise if a romantic relationship as a love icon were to go on forever, then there would be no time for children. The human race would quickly disappear from the face of the earth.

Flirting is a powerful tool and a love icon that makes the best recipe for romantic relationships. A majority of relationships start with a flirt. Flirting helps to break the ice in those initial uneasy stages when the two strangers are all nerves. All marriage relationships started with flirting that became cosy with time. It is a love icon that stands out from the rest. When you identify a person who is interesting and appeals to you. Do not hesitate, approach the person with a starting line that is catchy and with the confidence of a veteran player. Keep the conversation light and be flirtatious without going overboard. You will cut yourself a niche in that persons mind as a guy who is interesting and fun to be with. Flirtation makes you to escape with many crimes. You flirt practically about every thing and in flirting you are excused.

Inner inhibitions are the factors that make majority of people not to achieve a romantic relationship. We pretend to act nice, formal, decent and reserved. It is only by coming out of this cocoon that you will understand the language of romance. If you want to become a love icon yourself, shed this old coat. It is normal to let go. These are not revolutionary ideas, but they have been tried and tested. Release yourself and be adventurous. Try new things and embrace change. Even marriage relationships that are full of this inhibitions eventually become very dull. Monotony especially in the bed room kills the sex life in such a marriage. Romantic relationships do not just happen, they are made. Concerted efforts are required by both partners in order to scale the heights of romance.

For romantic relationships to be successful. Trust must be well cultivated. Your partner must feel safe in your company. You must portray yourself as a person of good will and integrity. Be careful not to appear as a person with a character that leaves a lot to be desired. Strange behavior will only create suspicion. It will make your partner to remain on guard even in a marriage relationship. Trust is a true love icon. Coat it with a good sense of humor in order not to appear so serious.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Marriage in Indian society:

If you want to get a good idea about the marriage system of India, then the best thing for you is to see the movie “Hum Aapke Hai Kaun” by Suraj Barjatia. Though not entirely real, you can get a general idea about the traditional marriage system of India. The movie highlights arranged marriage. After becoming adult and getting a full time job, the parents of a son look for a suitable bride inside their religious community. After finding a suitable girl, they talk with the parents of the girl and fix every thing. The boy and the girl who may never have seen each other do not get much scope to know each other. The whole process of arranged marriage takes place under the watchful eyes of the guardians of the boy and the girl. Now days, the process has become a bit flexible. The boy and the girl may talk with each other for some time, may be a month or two or three, but they have to decide about themselves within that time. Compared to the marriage system in the west, this arranged marriage is totally the opposite. For more information about arranged marriage,

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